Is BodyBuilding for Women same as Men?

When people think of bodybuilding for women they often think of women with massive muscles that just try to look like male bodybuilders. But the truth is this really isn’t the case at all. Women’s bodybuilding is far more than just trying to have large muscles, it is more about having a complete sculpted body that looks natural but ultra toned at the same time.

Men produce a lot of testosterone that women simply don’t have. This enables men to grow larger muscles than women. So women bodybuilders will always be smaller in stature than the men. Some women result to taking testosterone supplements to increase their levels and to grow their muscles larger. These can have certain side effects though and should be fully researched before choosing them as an option.

Even though women can’t physically grow muscles as large as men, it doesn’t mean that they don’t train as hard. They must stick to a strict regime of diet and fitness to ensure their bodies look just the way they want to. This can be said for bodybuilding competitions also. They put in just as much work before competitions as men do.

Womens bodies are naturally more slender and more cardio work or aerobic work helps them to achieve their very slender bodies. It is more than just lifting weights especially for women. They follow the same dieting regime as men do also. High carb and high protein diets allow the muscles to grow with the intense training.

Bodybuilding for women is getting more and more popular with women all over the world. The popularity of bodybuilding as a whole has increased all over the world. People are seeing the benefit of being strong and having a body to be proud of. If you are thinking of starting bodybuilding, then your first step should be to visit your local gym and have a look around. Talk to some of the people there and get a good feel of the gym and you’ll soon be able to decide whether you will be happy training there.

The Difference In Bodybuilding For Women

When we think of bodybuilders, we often automatically think of men with large, sculpted muscles competing for titles. But when it comes to the sport of bodybuilding, women have taken a larger role than ever – working to build their own muscles and compete on the same level as the men. Subsequently, bodybuilding for women has become increasingly popular for participants and fans alike.

Bodybuilding is significantly easier for men than it is for women based on one simple fact; the hormone testosterone is responsible for the building of muscle in our bodies. And while both men and women have levels of testosterone in their bodies, men have significantly higher levels. Therefore, the ability to build muscle comes much easier to men. Bodybuilding for women can be more difficult but the results are just as spectacular.

Whether taking on the sport as a hobby or in order to participate in competition, bodybuilding for women can be a terrific way for women to achieve optimum fitness and nutrition. And for a gender that is often held to higher standards for physical appearance, bodybuilding allows women to revel in their physical power as well as their femininity.

Bodybuilding for women – just like bodybuilding for men – requires a strong commitment to diet and exercise. For most women this means a weekly workout routine that combines cardiovascular exercise, core work, and weight training. But, unfortunately, when it comes to this sport some women, in an effort to increase the levels of testosterone in their body and thus increase their ability to build muscle, will turn to anabolic steroids to enhance their performance. The effects of steroid use can be disastrous on many levels and result in a bevy of physical repercussions – including hair loss, acne, muscle weakness, high blood pressure, and, in some cases, the taking on of male physical characteristics.

Another thing to keep in mind when it comes to bodybuilding for women is that intense workouts and dieting will significantly reduce the body fat percentage in a woman’s body. While this can be beneficial to a certain extent, body fat should ordinarily be kept at balanced levels in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Dangerously low body fat can result in a loss of the menstrual cycle and a number of physical manifestations.

Bodybuilding for women – done safely – can result in beautifully sculpted muscles and overall physical health – a fantastic reward for hard work and sacrifice.

If you want more content about women bodybuilding let me know in the comments and we will surely keep up with this type of work.

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